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US Judge Criticised President Joe Biden's Pardon of His Son Saying He Misrepresented the Criminal Case

U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi has openly criticized President Joe Biden for his decision to pardon his son, Hunter Biden, in a federal tax case.

The judge, who presided over the case in Los Angeles, accused the president of misrepresenting the facts surrounding his son's criminal activities and undermining the integrity of law enforcement and the justice system.

Judge Scarsi's criticism was particularly pointed, as he suggested that part of the presidential pardon might be unconstitutional. He stated, "The President asserts that Mr. Biden 'was treated differently' from others 'who were late paying their taxes because of serious addictions.'"

However, Scarsi highlighted a flaw in this reasoning, noting that Hunter Biden had pleaded guilty to tax evasion after becoming sober, during which time he misclassified personal expenses as business expenses.

The pardon, which absolves Hunter Biden of all federal offenses over a 11-year period, also nullified a Delaware jury's conviction of him for illegally purchasing a handgun.

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