A passenger caused chaos in a dramatic incident aboard United Flight 502 by attempting to destroy his seat mid-flight. The man, dressed in a dark jumper, grey sweatpants, and white Nike trainers, was seen using his right foot to stamp on the seat for approximately 25 seconds.
The situation escalated as he jumped on the seat in a final attempt to dismantle it. Despite the bizarre behavior, the reasons behind his actions remain unclear.
Galofaro, who operates the addiction treatment service Hope Interventions, recounted the event stating, "I woke up to him kicking the seat. The flight attendant walked by a couple of times, nobody was doing anything."
Galofaro took action by restraining the unruly passenger with the help of two other passengers who secured zip ties. They managed to zip-tie his hands and feet and seat-belted him to the seat. The flight was about 40 minutes from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) when the incident occurred.
Upon landing, local law enforcement boarded the plane to address the situation. United Airlines confirmed that the disruptive individual has been banned from future flights with the carrier.
A spokesperson for United Airlines expressed gratitude towards the crew and passengers for their quick response, stating, "We thank our crew for helping address the situation and working to ensure the safety of everyone on board."