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  • Esther

Two Men Remanded in Ibadan for Allegedly Setting Four Dogs on Police Officers

Two men have been remanded in Ibadan for allegedly unleashing four dogs on police officers.

The incident occurred during a routine patrol when the officers approached the suspects' residence. According to eyewitnesses, the confrontation escalated quickly. "The officers were just doing their job when the dogs were suddenly set upon them," said a local resident who wished to remain anonymous.

The police officers sustained injuries and had to be taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. The suspects, whose names have not been disclosed, were immediately apprehended and brought before the court.

During the hearing, the prosecution argued that the act was premeditated and posed a severe threat to law enforcement. "This is an egregious act of violence against our officers, and it will not be tolerated," stated the prosecutor.

The defense, however, claimed that the dogs were merely acting in self-defense, as they were trained to protect the property. "Our clients did not intend for this to happen; the dogs were simply reacting to what they perceived as a threat," argued the defense attorney.

The judge, taking into account the severity of the injuries sustained by the officers, ordered the suspects to be remanded in custody pending further investigation. The case has been adjourned to a later date for a full trial.

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