The town of Akokwa, located in Imo State, experienced a significant upheaval as a brave group of opposition lawmakers fearlessly made serious accusations against the leadership of Nigeria's Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)."
The lawmakers claimed that certain governors within the PDP, along with the party's National Working Committee (NWC) and state chairmen, are conspiring to keep Umar Damagum as the acting national chairman until 2027. This move, they argue, is designed to weaken the party from within.
Hon. Ikenga Ugochinyere, the coalition’s spokesperson, alleged that the strategy involves securing endorsements for President Bola Tinubu in the upcoming 2027 elections.
He criticized the current PDP leadership, stating, "Despite the various challenges facing the nation, the party, which should be leading the opposition, has been overtaken by political opportunists and has become merely an 'errand platform for the ruling party.'"
Ugochinyere further accused the national leaders of the PDP of fraternizing with the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), highlighting that they were frequently meeting with Nyesom Wike, a minister in the APC government.
"You have a national chairman and a secretary who in 24 hours are in Nyesom Wike’s bedroom," he remarked, emphasizing the perceived betrayal of the party's principles.
The opposition lawmakers also pointed out that the PDP's National Executive Committee (NEC) meetings have been repeatedly postponed, allegedly to prevent the selection of a new chairman from the North-central region.
Ugochinyere noted, "They want Umar Damagum, an imposter of the highest order, to continue to parade as the national chairman and stay in office till 2027."