Nick Cannon, a well-known entertainer and father of 12, has recently shared his personal journey with mental health after being diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
During an episode of his "Counsel Culture" podcast, Cannon revealed that he has been grappling with the challenges associated with NPD, which include difficulties in empathizing with others and maintaining an inflated sense of self-importance.
Cannon's candid discussion about his diagnosis is part of a broader effort to destigmatize mental health issues and encourage individuals to seek help.
He stated, “I feel like there’s so many labels out there, but it’s like, to be able to embrace it and say, ‘Look, I’m healing. I need help. Show me.’”
This openness highlights his commitment to personal growth and therapy, aiming to serve as a role model for others facing similar struggles.
In addition to NPD, Cannon has previously been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia, conditions that have shaped his understanding of himself as a neurodivergent individual.
He expressed a desire to understand these aspects of his identity better, saying, “I still don’t understand it all the way, but I kind of always wanted to get tested for it.”
The diagnosis was confirmed by Dr. Cheyenne Bryant, a psychologist who appeared on the podcast. Cannon emphasized the importance of embracing mental health and therapy, noting, “To be able to say I’m an example for others, but also be healing during the self-process works too.”