A 26-year-old man named Anshuman Taneja has died while attempting to escape from police custody at the Mayapuri police station in west Delhi. The incident occurred on Thursday, November 28, but was reported by officials on Saturday, November 30.
According to police statements, Anshuman Taneja was brought in for questioning after allegedly attacking his parents and uncle with a knife at their residence. "When police reached the spot, the victims said that their son Anshuman Taneja attacked them with knives," a police officer stated. The family members were subsequently admitted to the hospital for treatment.
During the questioning at the police station, Taneja attempted to flee by pushing the police staff and trying to jump over a wall. Unfortunately, he fell and sustained a severe head injury. Despite being rushed to LNJP hospital, he succumbed to his injuries during treatment.
Anshuman's father, a retired Navy official, and his sister, who resides in Delhi, have been informed of the incident. The family had previously reported a false dacoity call on November 24, which they later attributed to Anshuman's unwell state at the time.
The police have assured that all due procedures are being followed in the inquiry into the matter. "An SDM inquiry will be conducted and further probe is underway regarding his death in the police station," a police source confirmed.